Books to Inspire Action on Climate Change
There were four of us at the end of the 2020, all in our 70s and 80s, who decided to do two things: 1) inform ourselves about climate issues, and 2) figure out ways to put our bodies, minds, lifestyles, and financial resources on the line in service to supporting climate solutions. We called our…
Finding My Way
I’ve regarded myself as a climate-activist-in-training for the past two years that I’ve been living in Albuquerque. And that “training” produced plenty of learning: **Everything is inter-connected—gender, air, racism, water, justice, electricity, economics, political power, greed, religion, Earth, insects, agriculture, caste, land, relationships, oceans, war, transportation, social life, media.… **Climate solutions are the most important…
The Story Behind WALK Book
What Is the Camino de Santiago? The Camino de Santiago is a road that Roman Catholic pilgrims and others have walked for about 1, 200 years. The word camino means “trail,” “way,” “road,” “path,” or “street” in Spanish. Santiago means Saint James (one of the twelve disciples of Jesus) in Spanish. Thus in English, El…
Climate Activism: Paying Attention & Learning
The grim news, dear friends, is that we have only about ten years to save the Earth’s atmosphere from becoming so damaged that there would be no possibility of its recovery. That’s 2020 to 2029. As I wrote in my last post, at the September 2019 Climate Strike demonstration in Albuquerque NM I woke up…
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Woke: The Education of a Climate Change Activist
About six months before COVID-19 changed our world forever, I was house sitting in Albuquerque, NM. Somehow I learned there was to be a Climate Strike demonstration. Gee, I thought, it’s been a while since I’ve taken to the streets in support of a good cause. I’ll go to soothe my guilt for not…
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Opinion: How to Get to Conversational Equity
Three of us sat at a outside café in a charming town on the California coast. I was in my last weeks of a house sit in nearby Sebastopol CA. A breeze blew from the Pacific and the air was fragrant with linden trees in bloom. (more…)
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The Glory that Is Santiago’s Cathedral
I’ve been to Santiago de Compostela in Spain six times, beginning in 2008. In legend, the city was established in the 9th century AD as the burial place for the Apostle James. (He’s known in English as St James the Greater, and in Spanish as Santiago.) (more…)